Brand Beauty Unleashed


Brand Beauty Unleashed: The Value of Aesthetics in Marketing

Roberto Álvarez del Blanco

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91 illustrations

Hb: 978-0-367-11240-0
Pb: 978-0-367-11241-7


This book presents an in-depth, careful study of our understanding of the concept of beauty in everyday objects and its impact on markets and brands. Moving beyond artistic notions of beauty, it demonstrates how beauty is an asset that can be leveraged in the marketplace. Written by a recognised authority in marketing and brand strategy, Brand Beauty Unleashed gives students with an interest in marketing, consumer behaviour, branding, and neuromarketing an exciting new perspective on this intangible asset.

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El Autor

Roberto Álvarez del Blanco

Es una de las principales autorida- des internacionales en marketing y estrategia de marca. Profesor del IE Business School.

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